Our Pipeline


Every part of the process -From concept to final render- is an art; empowered by an integrated team of technicians and artists trained to work using the latest technologies and softwares with the highest capabilities.


Storyboard / Character Development / Concept art

Goes without saying that Pre-Production defines the roadmap of the project, from the concept to implementation methodologies. What’s really worth mentioning is that Pre-Production stages at Dumiah Studio are led by superior leadership with unmatched experience; able to decide on the elements of the project and provide a clear vision. Artists and technicians are also experienced enough to define the creative direction, story development, crew, equipment, and more. We do Pre-Production with ultimate care to run a smooth production process with minimal surprises.


The first and most important step in 3D animation, and one of the functions we pioneer, is Character Design. It doesn’t really matter if your project’s hero is an alien coming to make peace with human beings, a bear who runs a chocolate factory, or a mid-aged mailman who is about to discover a whole new world. We are able to decide the nature and the design of the characters, their shape and even the way they move. What’s really special about Character Design by Dumiah Studio team is that we presented Characters for different age groups, for various artistic and commercial purposes, therefore we have the experience to direct and fulfil your Character Design assignment.


“How will the Character look in 3D?” Modeling reveals the answer. Following the drawing and design of character or element, here comes the 3D representation. Whether it’s a Character, a spaceship, or a closet, in this step, you can see the semi-finished look and feel of the elements to add the final touches and see how they will appear in 3D.


Structures are added at this stage to the graphics and are ready to be animated, Rigging team at Dumiah Studio are known for being accurate to an extent that makes movements and animation in the next phase fun to do, fast and efficient.


The worlds, the scenes, the places where actions occur, and the backgrounds are the spirit of the artwork. Environment directs the project. The edge at Dumiah Studio in creating environments is the diversity of the CGI environments we had worked on, whether it’s a castle where heroes fight ghosts, a chocolate milk factory, a tailored galaxy in space, or a palace where funny and silly situations occur between the characters.


Here is where all the magic happens: All the Models of Characters come together with the Environment into a decent final 3D Animation product that is more alive and vibrant!


In this step, the light positions in each scene are added and distributed. Lighting controls the general feeling that a scene creates for the spectator. It also directs wants to show in that scene and what to hide. Pretty much like in filmmaking, lighting can play the role to turn an arena into a crime scene, or a kids area, therefore needing dedicated experienced technicians.


It’s safe to say that at Dumiah Studio we do one of the best renderings in the region. The level of details and complexity of structures that we are able to show and able to make in a realistic and believable way speaks for us. We are also capable of doing Real Time Rendering that saves effort, time and cost on the end user.


More elements, more details, more beauty to the final scene! In this stage, render passes are processed together, adding additional images or adjustments layers to create a more sophisticated scene or cohesive composition. Additions are applied to bring the whole scene closer to the truth.


One of the vital steps in the post-production is the Color Grading, where we make colors serve the overall purpose of the products by applying our best crafter Lookup Tables; besides tuning the shadows to make an appealing and attractive final product in the richest details.

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Want to pose your actors over the moon, in the depth of the seas, or over the pyramids? Pose in front of the Chroma and we will integrate the footage smoothly in the CGI Environment.


We track and match the exact movements in live-action footage in its very scale, position, with the scenes in the CG, to eventually produce an integrated and artistic scene. The techniques and technologies we use make us one of the leading Full CG integrated services provider.


VFX Set Extensions techniques allow us to add almost anything to the filmed scenes. In this process, artists create highly complex compositions and add elements to the scene that are indistinguishable from filmed scenes.


You haven’t done your video shooting on a Chroma? Not a problem - At Dumiah Studio we do rotoscoping, which means you can still include your footage merged into a CGI Environment; as we trace a frame-by-frame rotoscoping to make it happen. This gives you endless possibilities and opens new opportunities to have your older footages revamped into a new context!

Boarding your project with Dumiah Studio, having a solid Pipeline supervised and led by market leaders and experts in every function guarantees a smooth project flow from Pre-Production to Broadcasting.