Al Azif | Teaser

The movie ‘Al-Azif’ tells the story of a fictitious Arab writer named Abdullah Al-Hazrad and his first journey in which he discovers the lost city of Eram in the desert. We found a great challenge and a visual mystery in this story that made us design a one of a kind story we hope to turn into a blockbuster movie. ‘Al-Azif’ is a book mentioned in the stories of the American writer H. P. Lovecraft, it’s said to be written by Al-Hazrad. The horror book is said to record life in the city of Eram, in which evil spirits used to live a normal life, and was discovered by the mad scientist Al-Hazrad.


Sketching the hero character with Arab features was one of the biggest challenges in ‘Al-Azif’, as well as the formation and development of the evil spirits (the jinn) who inhabited the lost city of Eram in order to add thrilling and imaginative characters that entertains the fans of the story.

Location Concepts

We created a place where evil spirits and demons could live their normal daily lives; imagining the tools they would use, the places they visit, and everything that makes their city as integrated as possible.


Highest level of entertainment was our ultimate goal while rendering ‘Al-Azif’ to give not only a one-of-a-kind and unusual experience for an unusual story, but also making it delightful and thrilling to the highest details.

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Foolyz is a very funny series of short episodes made for kids. The heroes of the show, the bean-like brothers ‘Nabet’ and ‘Demmes’, are two very dumb brothers, with endless funny situations all the time in a funny context.

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